
08 April 2011

How To Jailbreak iPad 1 On iOS 4.3.1 Using Redsn0w [Windows / Mac]

How To Jailbreak iPad 1 On iOS 4.3.1 Using Redsn0w [Windows / Mac]

Jailbreak iPod Touch On iOS 4.2.1 Redsn0w
Redsn0w is one of the most popular jailbreaking tool developed by the iPhone Dev Team. iPhone Dev team released Redsn0w 0.9.6rc9 earlier today, which allows iPad 1 users to jailbreak iOS 4.3.1 (untethered).
In this guide, we will take you through the step by step procedure to jailbreak iPad on iOS 4.3.1 using Redsn0w.

Here are some important points to note before you proceed.
You can follow these step-by-step instructions to jailbreak your iPad 1:
Step 1: Download Redsn0w 0.9.6rc9 (Mac and Windows) and save the application in a folder named "Redsn0w" on your desktop.
Step 2: You need to download iOS 4.3.1 firmware file:
iOS 4.3.1 firmware file for iPad 1 (iPad1,1_4.3.1_8G4_Restore.ipsw)
Step 3: Double click the Redsn0w zip file and extract the application to the Redsn0w folder.
Step 4: Connect your iPad to the computer, which should automatically launch iTunes.
Skip steps 5 and 6, if your iPad has already been upgraded to iOS 4.3.1.
Step 5: From the 'Devices' section on the left pane of iTunes, select your iPad device. Now, hold down the Shift button (Option button for Mac users) and click the 'Restore' button.
Step 6: Navigate to the Redsn0w folder on the desktop and select the downloaded iOS 4.3.1 firmware file (iPad1,1_4.3.1_8G4_Restore.ipsw). Click on the 'Choose' button to let iTunes update your iPhone with the required firmware. You will be asked to setup your iPad 1 either from a previous backup or setup as a new iPad, select the backup you want for your device (ideally should be the most recent one). Wait for iTunes to finish.
Step 7: Navigate back to the Redsn0w folder and launch the Redsn0w application. If you’re a Windows XP or Windows 7 user then try running Redsn0w as ‘Administrator’ (right-click on the Redsn0w exe and select 'Run as an Administrator').
Step 8: You will be asked to select the corresponding IPSW file. Click on the Browse button and select the iOS 4.3.1 firmware file (iPad1,1_4.3.1_8G4_Restore.ipsw).
Step 9: Redsn0w will verify the firmware file and inform you if it has successfully identified it. Click on 'Next' to proceed.
Step 10: Redsn0w will now start preparing the jailbreak data.
Step 11: You will now be prompted to select the jailbreak options you would like. Make sure Cydia is selected and select 'Next' to continue.
Step 12: You will now be prompted to switch OFF your iPad and plug it to the computer. Follow the instructions and click on 'Next' to move to the next screen:
Step 13: You will now need to put your iPad into the DFU mode. Redsn0w will take you through the necessary steps:
(a) Hold the Power button on iPad down for 3 seconds:
(b) Now simultaneously hold the iPad and keep the two buttons pressed for 10 seconds:
(c) Now release the Power button while keeping the Home button pressed until Redsn0w identifies the device:
Step 14: Your iPad should reboot now.
Step 15: Redsn0w will now begin uploading the new RAM disk and kernel.
Step 16: You will now be notified once the jailbreaking process is complete. Click on the 'Finish' button to exit the application.
Step 17: Your iPad will reboot once again (which could take approximately 5 minutes). After it has rebooted, your iPad should be successfully jailbroken. You should find Cydia jailbreak app on your iPad’s home screen.
If you're new to the jailbreaking world and wondering what to do after jailbreaking your iPad, checkout our jailbreak apps category page to find out the apps you can install on your iPad using the Cydia app.
Download links for Redsn0w updated as Dev team has released a new version with animation boot logo option.

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