
08 April 2011

Step-by-Step Guide to Jailbreak 1st Gen iPhone and iPhone 3G running Firmware 2.1 [Updated]

Step-by-Step Guide to Jailbreak 1st Gen iPhone and iPhone 3G running Firmware 2.1 [Updated]

The iPhone hacking community has done it again, it has only been a few hours since Apple released iPhone firmware 2.1 which includes many bug fixes and improvements, and we have news that they have figured out a way to jailbreak iPhone firmware 2.1.
ipineapple, one of our readers here at iPhone Hacks, had posted a link to a step-by-step guide to jailbreak 1st generation iPhone and iPhone 3G running iPhone firmware 2.1 for Windows users in the comments.
Update 1:
Folks at who had also posted the step-by-step guide have just recommended to wait for some more time. There are apparently quite a few issues that need to be fixed which the iPhone Dev Team is working on, so you are better off waiting until the issues are fixed.
Update 2:
The ever-so dependable iPhone Dev team have released updated versions of their Pwnage and QuickPwn Tools to jailbreak and unlock the 1st Gen iPhone and jailbreak iPhone 3G running iPhone firmware 2.1 that was released by Apple only yesterday. You can read iPhone Dev Team Release PwnageTool v2.1 and QuickPwn v1.1 Which Supports iPhone Firmware 2.1 for more details.
The guide is currently only for Windows users. 
The step-by-step instructions to Jailbreak 1st generation iPhone and iPhone 3G are as mentioned below:
  • Install iTunes 8.
  • Update iPhone with iTunes and make sure it is activated!
  • Uninstall iTunes 8.
  • Uninstall Apple Mobile Device Support (From Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel)
  • Install itunes v7.7.* ( <-- all versions of itunes are there.
  • Download Quickpwn with the correct 2.1 bundle from this link.
  • Run quickpwn, select your iPhone1,2_2.1_5F136_Restore.ipsw or iPhone1,1_2.1_5F136_Restore.ipsw.
  • You can select Cydia and Installer and logos if you wish.
  • When it is finished the iPhone will reboot. Cydia and Installer will NOT be visible.
  • Install TotalCommander and in the left pane navigate to and click on it. It will install t-pot automatically.
  • Use Totalcommander to install patched mobileinstallation to /System/Library/PrivateFrameWorks/MobileInstallation.framework ... clickon the dropdown box [-\-] top left and select network neighbourhood then t-pot. Remeber to back up your original mobileinstallation first! Drag the file from the right pane to the left, not from windows explorer to TotalCOmmander.
  • Still in TotalCommander delete /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/
  • Reboot the phone. This should jailbreak your iPhone.
  • Install “CacheDel” from cydia. Run this after each Cydia update or app install. Soon, Cydia, itself will be updated and this step will no longer be necessary.
The credit for the step-by-step guide goes to geeb.
Please do remember, hacking your iPhone is at your own risk. Hence it is always a good idea to backup your iPhone. This step-by-step guide is only to jailbreak iPhone and will not unlock the 1st generation iPhone.

As always, please let us know if it worked for you in the comments.
ipineapple, thanks for the tip.
Update 1:
Folks at who had also posted the step-by-step guide have just recommended to wait for some more time. There are apparently quite a few issues that need to be fixed which the iPhone Dev Team is working on.
It has been observed that apps are unstable including Cydia, so you are better off waiting until the issues are fixed.
I am sorry folks, I will keep you posted in case I get any more details.
Update 2:
The ever-so dependable iPhone Dev team have released updated versions of their Pwnage and QuickPwn Tools to jailbreak and unlock the 1st Gen iPhone and jailbreak iPhone 3G running iPhone firmware 2.1 that was released by Apple only yesterday. You can read iPhone Dev Team Release PwnageTool v2.1 and QuickPwn v1.1 Which Supports iPhone Firmware 2.1 for more details.

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